《 樂活誌 》
「樂活」是「LOHAS」的中文直譯,為Lifestyles Of Health and Sustainability的縮寫,意指「永續的健康生活型態」。這是一種寵愛自己、善待地球的生活態度、小至個人、大至企業體的永續經營,都涵蓋其中。
「樂活」最重要的精神,在於 「健康」和「永續」的生活實踐 !
半年前因机缘巧合得知〈乐活〉LOHAS,然后〈生機飲食〉Macrobiotics,接着〈慢食〉Slow Food后;让我深切知道我必须改变生活形态… 就在这时乐活志诞生了,至今已出版了三期!办杂志不易,办好一本这类形的杂志更难。希望刚接过主编棒子的许嘉琪能将她越编越好,当然是在整个团队的配合之下!(特别提嘉琪是因为十几年前因推动本地创作歌曲和她相识)让我们一起乐活吧!Welcome 2008!
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LOHAS - 2008 Lifestyle!
Toyota Eco Drive

What is Toyota Eco Drive?
Not only can Toyota Eco Drive save our world, it can also save you money. Toyota Eco Drive is an important step towards sustainable mobility and is the way forward. This smart and effective approach will help improve the quality of life all around us.
By applying a few simple, yet useful car driving and maintenance tips you’ll find driving so much enjoyable and the environment so much cleaner.
Know where you’re going.
Get proper directions before heading to an unfamiliar destination. By being sure of the way, you can get to your destination on time without wasting fuel unnecessarily.
Look for leaks.
To prevent harmful waste, such as oil, brake fluid, battery acid, etc., from getting into our waterways (when it rains), regularly check your parking spot for any leaks. If there are suck leaks, have then repaired promptly.
Maintain your car, maintain the environment.
Conduct periodic checks and carry out regular maintenance to keep your car in good running condition. Also, keeping the engine in tip-top condition will help reduce carbon emissions.
Idling engine, running fuel.
If you’re at the standstill for long periods, it’s best to turn off the car engine. By restarting the engine you will save more fuel, instead of letting the engine idle for 30-50 seconds.
Disposing waste properly.
Toxic components from automotive fluids are hazard to our waterways. Thus, do your car at established workshops that have proper procedures for disposing toxic waste.
Less load, more fuel.
Don’t carry unnecessary loads in the boot or on the roof as this will increase your car fuel consumption. Remove items you don’t really use from the boot such as extra shoes, golf bag and/ or files.
The right pressure.
Check tyres at least once in two weeks for the appropriate pressure according to tyre and vehicle. Tyres with the right pressure will last longer and give a safer drive. Tyres also need to be rotated every 6 months or 10,000km for even wear and longer usage.
Clean exhaust pipe, clean pipe water.
Car exhaust discharges harmful particles that contain carbon monoxide, particulates mercury, dioxins and so on, which could pollute our waterways. Carry out regular maintenance to ensure the engine burns cleaner.
Shift for efficiency
Never drag your car on low gears for long, especially when the road is clear in front of you. Shift up to higher gear early, because a higher gear equals to lower engine speed and lower fuel consumption.
Walk over drive.
If it’s short journey to the grocery store near your house, walking there will do a lot of good. Besides giving you a light cardio-workout, it will also minimize both fuel and general wear and tear of your car.
Break from brake.
Maintain a safe distance when driving and always keep a look out for red brake lights from the car(s) in front (while observing the car behind), so that you can release the accelerator so slow down instead of exerting the brake pads.
Steady on speed.
Driving on a constant speed is good way to economise fuel. Look well ahead while you’re driving. Keep an eye on the road at all times and maintain a safe distance when driving at a constant speed.
New branding trend at COACH
因影集《慾望城市》(Sex and the city)而成為「紐約原創」代表的布利克街(Bleecker St.),COACH開了全球唯一的LEGACY精品店,販售平均價位在425美元以上,最頂級的COACH,要讓品牌定位再次升級。
封面故事来自: 遠見雜誌12/2007
Be your own BOSS?
(No collateral, no experience, start from zero.....)
Find out SME bank, CGC, MPEP can help you...
Date: 12/01/2008 Saturday
Time: 09.30 - 12.30
Venue: KCCCI Auditorium (Map)
Call 03-3344 7361 or email klgccci@streamyx.com to book a seat today. FREE entry, first come first serve!
A date with Taiwan's success experience
日期∶05/01/2008 星期六
时间∶10.00 - 13.30
地点∶Grand Imperial Ball Room, 2nd Level, Centro Mall, Klang. (Map)
Asia’s IT All Stars 2007 Top Ten
Here are the 2 stars from Malaysia:-
1. Mid Valley City (Tech provider: 3Com/Macro Lynx)
2. University of Nottingham Campus (Tech provider: Bluecoat)
2. University of Nottingham Campus (Tech provider: Bluecoat)
More than an open handset OS
Cover story for Wireless Asia current issue told us about the new steps make by Google. You will find Google is working on the business models, partnerships and the future of mobile, and is time for us to review our existing business and enhance or innovate to it for a brighter future. Complete story at Wireless Asia Dec 07/Jan 08.
Changing the rules of telecom
Mentioned seven companies are as below:
1. Device convergence made easy: Apple Inc
2. Meet your new service provider: Nokia
3. Dragon rising: Huawei Technologies
4. Outsourcing pathbreaker: Ericsson
5. Global footprint : Vodafone Group
6. In search of infrastructure and Androids : Google
7. Disruptive wireless : Intel
The key words in this cover story is STRATEGIES and not TECHNOLOGY! Review your business and find out how to change the rules for your industry. Complete cover story at Telecom Asia Dec 07.
Defining The Thumbprint For Success
Question: What should food-and-beverage manufacturers pay attention to in the upcoming year?
Asia Food Journal Nov/Dec 07 issue has a special report on "Trend in 2008" and invited a group of experts in food-and-beverage manufacturers to tell us their views. If you are in the food industry or you are planning to venture into this industry, this report definately will give you better ideas to plan ahead for 2008. Just log on or subcribe to find out more!
Achives issues
Achives issues
Weight Management: Heart Of The Matter
The weight management and weight loss market category is hungry for innovative products
Cover story for issue Nov/Dec 07 Asia Pacific Food Industry mentioned above statement. The potential market worth for weight management and weight loss products estimated at US$7 billion worldwide. This issue cover in detail on this, you may log on to find out more or subcribe to the magazine.
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