The brand value was derived through a valuation study commissioned by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia (4As) and The Edge. It was conducted by Interbrand, one of the largest brand consultancies internationally.
The total value of the top 30 brands stood at RM61.8bil, a 9% growth over the RM56.6bil achieved last year.
The study said 14 brands showed a growth in value this year.
Only brands that were public listed or owned by listed companies were considered for the study. Hence Maxis, which was ranked third in last year’s study, was not in the list as it was delisted.
Meanwhile, Mamee Double Decker and Bonia have dropped out of the list. Sin Chew, and Ogawa are the new entries in the top 30.
Source: The Edge Daily
Extended Reading: The Star , MMVB 2007
Malaysia Most Valuable Brands 2008
ICCA Best Marketing Award 2008
Honoured: (From left) ICCA president Leigt Harry, director of sales Simone Sfeir, Henry and convention bid manager Amelia Roziman posing for a photo after the award presentation ceremony in Canada recently.
The ICCA Best Marketing Award, established in 1997, recognises the excellence and outstanding achievements of organisations in their effort to market their destination or product. Entries can range from full scale campaigns and branding exercises to individual promotions and events. The ICCA Best Marketing Award is open to all ICCA members, regardless of their sector. The business or organisation that wins the competition will receive the Award at the ICCA Congress Closing session in Victoria.
Winner 2008
Sarawak Convention Bureau - Malaysia
"Winning this award is the ultimate endorsement of our marketing creativity and shows that, as a relatively new bureau, we have come a very long way in a short time. The win is also important in reaffirming to our government and industry stakeholders that we are on track to succeed in delivering on our ambitious growth targets over the next few years."
Jill Henry, Chief Executive Officer
Sarawak Convention Bureau
Finalists 2008
The 3 finalists for the ICCA Best Marketing Award 2008 were:
1 Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool - U.K.
2 Salt Lake City Convention and Visitors Bureau - U.S.A. - Click here to see their marketing video
3 Sarawak Convention Bureau - Malaysia - Click here to download their presentation
Malaysian Entrepreneurship Platform -eBay
MALAYSIANS are using eBay as a platform for entrepreneurship and cross border trading according to a survey by eBay Southeast Asia.
The study revealed that 41% of eBay Malaysia members considered themselves serious sellers — either actively sourcing for products to sell on eBay or using eBay as the primary source of income.
Malaysians are also very active buyers, spending close to one third of their time online browsing for goods and services on the auction website. Also, 42% visit eBay once to three times a week.
Clothing, shoes and accessories were the most frequently purchased items on eBay Malaysia (38%), followed by books (36%) and computers and networking services (34%).
The visitors surveyed on the local website were generally affluent and well-educated with 64% having completed tertiary education and 75% earning at least RM20,000 per year.
On average, Malaysian shoppers spent approximately RM411 on eBay, out of the total RM542 spent online.
Credit cards were the most common payment method while PayPal came in second.
Other interesting findings on eBay Malaysia — 75% are adults in the age group of 25 to 49, more than 60% are male, 84% use broadband, and the majority spend an average of 29 hours per week online (of which seven hours are spent purchasing products or services on the Internet).
Source: The Star, by ZAM KARIM
Security about data encryption programs
Four programs received "inadequate" marks due to significant security problems. Those include Free CompuSec, Disc Enryptor, DriveCrypt and Desktop Home. Some of those programs store the password for accessing encrypted data in plain text, which would give thieves easy access.
The winner was Steganos Safe 2008. TrueCrypt won the prize for "most affordable software".
Source: The Earth Times
The Outstanding Young Malaysian Awards 2008
拿督曾文秀(36歲)、 RAMAJUTA公司董事經理
阿牛陳慶祥 (32歲)、歌手
馬金泉 (39歲)、共享空間專業舞團創辦人
阿迪安拉新邦(31歲)、PACOS Trust社區組織委員和JOAS土著聯繫主席