之前介绍过网上采购时装用品,好处当然是不必乘车跑几间购物中心,省钱和时间,而且大多衣物都低于RM50。缺点只是不合身或不如在网路看到的款式,但可以送人或再出售。(看看这网站Page from the diary)对这些Blogshop主人则认为是一个真正开店的踏脚石,因为低成本RM1000就可开Blogshop,而且可以建立客户网络,为开店铺路。
Soh Yien Yee - .Stop.Shop.Splurge.
[http://stopshopsplurge.blogspot.com]Samantha Lee - A Model Studio
[http://amodelstudio.blogspot.com]Jessica Ling - The Aura
Source: Shopping with a click of the mouse, Blogshop owners say it’s a stepping stone to real business
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Shopping with a click
Sea Inspiration of Misaki
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Facebook beat out Myspace
Facebook beat out MySpace to become the most popular social networking site in January, according to Compete.com.
In Compete's Top 25 Social Networks Re-Rank, which ranks sites by number of total visits, Facebook was listed as having over a billion visits for the month. By comparison, MySpace had a mere 810 million visits, according to Compete. The positions represented a reversal of fortunes from a year ago, when MySpace was the most popular site and Facebook was number two.
As for the number of visitors on the two social networking sites, Compete claims that MySpace had 58.5 million uniques versus 68.5 million for Facebook. But users seem to be getting a lot more out of Facebook these days, based on two other metrics provided by Compete. Over the last 12 months Facebook has steadily grown in the number of visits per unique visitor and time spent on the site. MySpace has tailed off, especially in the latter metric. Compete's data charted a significant drop for MySpace last summer, when the average time spent the site fell from 20 to about 11 minutes.
Source: Facebook Takes Over Top Spot, Twitter Climbs
Related:Facebook beat MySpace
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If you want to start managing your money better, this book will give you a good start.
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