I started this blog during my working life, after July, 2009 you may find my blog posts at http:lbms2u.blogspot.com


Consumer Tips by Association of Banks in Malaysia

Protecting Your ATM Card

ATM Card is a debit card that you can use to access your account(s) at your Bank, and at other MEPS ATM. Besides that, you can use your ATM Card to access other service Terminals such as Cash Deposit Machines and EFTPOS terminals (if the service is available at your Bank). If your ATM Card bears the VISA PLUS, VISA Interlink, MasterCard Cirrus or Maestro logo, you will be able to perform the ATM or EFTPOS transaction overseas.

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Protecting Your Credit Card

A credit card is a payment instrument that enables you to make purchases of goods and payment of services instead of using cash or your debit card. You can use the credit card at any merchant locally or internationally, which displays the same credit card brand as that on your credit card.

The credit card issuer will pay the merchant on your behalf first and bill you later. When you get your statement, you are required to settle at least the minimum payment amount by the due date. The credit card issuer will impose finance charges (interest) on the outstanding amount if it is not paid by the due date.

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Investing In Unit Trust

Unit Trusts are collective investments that allow investors with similar investment objectives to pool their funds to be invested in a portfolio of securities or other assets.

As investors seek to maximize returns on their financial resources, unit trusts provide an ideal way for them to gain in the long run, returns superior to cash savings and fixed deposit investments. Unit trusts allow investors to have easy access to a wide range of investment exposure not normally available to them.

A professional fund manager is appointed to oversee the performance of the pooled funds in the respective portfolio.

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Pre-Payment Charges On Housing Loan

Most banks offer home loan facilities for their customers to purchase or refinance their properties. A typical housing loan requires a customer to pay a fixed monthly installment on a fixed due date. This is assuming there are no changes in interest rates, otherwise the installment amount and loan period could change.

When a customer wants to pay in excess of the fixed monthly installment, the excess amount is termed as “prepayment”.

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Security Tips When Banking Online

Internet Banking is becoming increasingly popular as it allows you to carry out various banking transactions at the comfort and convenience of your home, office or wherever you may be, during and after banking hours. However, there are still some customers who remain hesitant over online banking due to newspaper reports of internet banking scams such as “phishing” and “script editing”.

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Accessing Basic Banking Services At Minimal Costs

One may have already heard of the basic banking services, namely, Basic Savings Account (BSA) and Basic Current Account (BCA) but does not know that under these accounts, one can enjoy for instance free 8 ATM withdrawals and 6 over-the-counter visits. This article will provide you with some general information about BSA and BCA as well as assist you to choose the type of accounts that would best cater to your banking needs.

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Your Career's Business Plan

Create a business plan for yourself, and make your career your life's work.

Author and career consultant Ronna Lichtenberg believes that by taking a day to think about the way you earn your living, you can make a huge difference in making your job more fulfilling. Whether you work for an employer or yourself, in a major corporation or behind the counter in a coffee shop, you're the CEO of your career. The tools any CEO needs are the same ones the rest of us need.

By following the steps outlined in Ronna's seminar, you can create your own business plan and find more fulfillment your career.

Who Are You?
* Write a curriculum vitae in 15 lines or less—not a résumé, but a description you might give to someone introducing you as a speaker.
* Repeat the exercise, but write your description as if it were 15 to 20 years from now.
* Start thinking about what it would take to get from the first introduction to the second. In CEO lingo, this kind of thinking is called gap analysis.

Most people have trouble with this exercise, according to Ronna. While many of us often worry about our careers, we don't take the time to think about them in a focused way. To help the process, Ronna suggests asking yourself these questions:

* Do you know what your most valuable skills are?
* Could you write an ad for yourself?
* Do you sometimes feel there's something stopping you from reaching your potential?

The next step involves thinking about what it means to invest in Me. Inc, and how to be your own CEO. Any CEO needs the following:

*A vision for the business
*Financial skills
*A marketing plan
*The ability to manage and motivate others

Work on these skills, concentrating on the next 18 months to three years. Ronna says that it's easy to become overwhelmed and give up if you go beyond that time frame.

Develop a Vision
Use these exercises to help you begin to see what Me, Inc. means for you. Remember, some people are better at visualization than others, so keep at it. After the exercise, take out your curriculum vitae again and look at it in the context of your visualization. Is your image of your future self in sync with what you described as your best working day? If not, why not? Rewrite your description to fit your new vision of your future.

It's time to develop a Me, Inc. business plan! Thinking about yourself as a business can feel funny, says Ronna, but even as an employee, you're offering buyers a set of products and services for a given price. Ask yourself these questions:

* What is your advantage over the competition?
* How does your "price" compare?
* Who is your target customer?

You may find it difficult to answer these questions, especially when trying to articulate exactly what your products and services are. Dig deeper for your answers.

Sell Yourself
Now you'll use your business plan to pitch Me, Inc. Selling may be uncomfortable for you, but to be successful, you need to be able to describe what you bring to the marketplace.

* Create your own ad: Fill in the blanks: The goal of your ad is "to convince ______ to buy ________ because _______." With this goal in mind, create your ad.
* Pitch your ad: Invite a friend or co-worker you trust to listen to your pitch. Give yourself three minutes for the pitch, and give your friend two minutes for comments.
* Make an impression: After your pitch, the listener should know what your "brand" was, and what made it different from its competitors.

You've figured out who you are, what your plan is, and how to sell yourself—what's the next step? First, evaluate yourself based on what you've learned.

Exercise Two: The Relationship Inventory

Once you know what you're selling, who are you going to tell? In the case of Me, Inc., you're going to be spending your time and energy. You'll be advertising yourself to the people you pay attention to. Make the most of your limited time by spending it with people who can help you grow.

Exercise Three: Making It Happen

* List three specific steps you would take to reach your goals.
* Write yourself a letter detailing your plans, stash it away, and read it six weeks later.
* Share your plan with a trusted friend and set a specific time each week to measure your progress.

Don't let yourself off the hook. If you're having trouble, figure out what's holding you back. Don't just dump the plan—revise it and recommit yourself. Soon you'll be on your way to working for the best company possible—Me, Inc.!

Source: Investing in Me, Inc


For sale - Balance of life









Global Retail's New Dream Lover - Vietnam


根据科尔尼的「2008全球零售业发展指数报告 (Global Retail Development Index, GRDI)指出,对于打算在海外开店的零售商来说,最具吸引力的地区是中东地区和北非,但人气最旺的单一国家市场则非越南莫属。

越南由第四名跳升第一,把蝉连三届冠军的印度挤到第二,俄罗斯和中国也各向退了一名。美国经济疲软、油价攀升、中国制造业成本激增,使得零售商把注意力转到扩张海外业务。 越南在零售扩张最具吸引力国家排行榜能够跳举榜首,是综合了经济、政治风险、国民平均所得、市场饱和度和市场吸引力等因素的评估结果。

越南的零售市场规模虽然还很小,但因为市场竞争程度不高,且国内生产总值 (GDP)成长率高达8%,使得越南市场非常具有吸引力。另一有利因素是越南消费者在亚洲地区年龄层最低,他们向城市移居,消费支出迅速增加。 据估计越南的零售市场规模在200亿美元,但越南政府预计今年零售市场可有20.5%的成长率,而达到5430亿美元。


全文:Vietnam Tops A.T. Kearney's Annual List of Most Attractive Emerging Market Retail Destinations


The World's Hardest-Working Moms




经济合作暨发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)一份题为《Babies & Bosses》(孩子与老板)的最新研究报告指出:「在许多『工业化国家』,人们认为越来越多的职业女性(尤其是在职妈妈),对维持经济发展以及保证养老金和社会保障体系向全民推广并实现可持续发展起着重要作用。」欧盟计画到2010年,其成员国的女性就业率至少应达到60%。

全文:The World's Hardest-Working Moms


Global Retail Theft Barometer 2008




根据美国保点系统Checkpoint Systems委托英国诺丁汉零售研究中心The Centre for Retail Research执行全球零售盗窃晴雨表(Global Retail Theft Barometer)的调查显示,大马2007年6月至2008年6月的经营损失达2亿5600万美元(约9亿1995万6480令吉),较前期高出3.4%,经营损失率为 1.53%。亚太总经营损失达154亿零500万美元,大马为众亚太国家中,经营损失第三高的国家,在全球则排名第五。



One week's job done in 3 days






Notebook PC Shipments Exceed Desktops


市场调查公司iSuppli发表报告称, 第三季度全球笔记本电脑的出货量首次超过了台式机. 该季度笔记本电脑出货量增长近40%至3860万台, 而台式机下降1.3%至3850万台.

iSuppli的分析师马修·威尔金斯Matthew Wilkins认为, 由于笔记本电脑市场的快速增长已经持续了一段时间, 因此这个结果并不是非常令人惊喜; 不过这却标志一个笔记本时代的到来, 笔记本已不再是商业市场或高收入消费者的专有工具, 而是成为每个人的工具.

iSuppli称, 尽管全球经济不断恶化,但第三季度PC出货量依然增长了15%至7900 万台, 该机构原先的预期为增长12%. 前5位的电脑生产商排名未改变, 惠普依然占据第一,出货量为1490万台, 市场份额接近19%; 戴尔、宏碁、联想和东芝分列第二至第五位. 宏碁在该季度表现最好, 市场份额环比增长45%、同比上升79%. 苹果的市场份额环比下降了0.5个百分点至3.2%, 排在第七位.

iSuppli也因此提高2008全年的增长预期, 从原先的12.5%提高到13%. 不过该机构预计明年的增长率只有4.3%.

原文:Notebook PC Shipments Exceed Desktops for First Time in Q3