I started this blog during my working life, after July, 2009 you may find my blog posts at http:lbms2u.blogspot.com


Entrepreneurship requires four areas of mastery

There is a myth that entrepreneurs have special traits that distinguish them from other people or they have some sort of secret method to success. No entrepreneur, including Richard Branson, has a secret formula. Entrepreneurship is not easy. But, it can be learned and should be taught to everyone.

Based on a research of 500 entrepreneurs, they found four areas of similarities among the majority of successful entrepreneurs: personal mastery, business mastery, entrepreneurship mastery and leadership mastery.

The key to personal mastery is self awareness. The best entrepreneurs know what their strengths are and they leverage on them. In addition to knowing oneself, the best entrepreneurs learn from an early age how to create, communicate, influence, and develop their personal effectiveness.

Business mastery is the ability to think strategically, understand industries, new trends and changes and innovate in new spaces. Business mastery is about developing “a vision of extraordinary possibility.

Entrepreneurship mastery is the technical skills needed, including the day-to-day mechanics of running a business, producing products, delivering services, making money and managing people.

The final key is leadership. And at the heart of leadership is decision making. Entrepreneurs must learn to make good decisions quickly. Entrepreneurs bounce back quickly and learn from bad decisions made. The main reason for most failed start-ups is leadership failure.

Likewise, many start-up leaders fail due to lack of leadership to engage, encourage and develop their employees.

To master these four areas requires learning and practice which many new entrepreneurs don’t invest in. Nearly 95% of all entrepreneurial efforts fail. If we closely study these failures, it is usually a lack of mastery in one or all of these areas.

Every great entrepreneur was once an amateur. There is an old saying that goes, “there are three kinds of people in the world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who don’t even know anything is happening.”

It’s never too late to learn and become a person who makes things happen in this world. Yes, you can dream.

Source: Now everyone can dream by Roshan Thiran


Jam from kitchen to factory

小果酱 大生意

2002 年,当同龄人正在新潮的互联网上创业时,14岁的Fraser Doherty在他父母的厨房里开始学着用奶奶的秘方调制果酱。邻居们和教堂里的朋友们非常喜欢这些果酱的味道,便一传十,十传百,建立起了不小的名气。 Doherty接到的订单之多,单靠在自己的厨房里已经不能满足需求了。他便从一个200人的食品加工厂租赁时间,每月租上那么几天来制作他接到的订单。


2007年初,英国一家高端超市Waitrose找到了他,希望能在旗下的超市里出售Doherty的超级果酱 Super Jam。数月之内,Waitrose 184家超市的店面里,便出现了超级果酱的身影。这使Doherty和他的生意都上了一个新台阶。


2008 年,Doherty有力量了,便开始了一个超级果酱茶会的公益活动,目前已经举办了100多块。主要是为苏格兰、英格兰和威尔士在家独居的老年人或老人院里的老人组织歌舞活动,并提供饮料。今年,Doherty准备将超级果酱打进全英国最大的食品连锁店。其生意合理估值约为100万美元至200万美元之间。


Forbes: Jam, from kitchen to factory


The First Million at age 20


Ephren Taylor。这位泰勒同学是个游戏迷,买得起任天堂游戏机,但买不起游戏。所以在1994年他12岁时,他决定自己写游戏。于是每天下学后都到公园去读一本书,Andre LaMothe写的《怎样在21天内做一个视频游戏》(没有家庭作业就是好啊)。几个月后,他写出了自己的第一个游戏,情节是射杀想绑架总统的坏蛋(读游戏书也能这么爱国!)。然后他以每份10美元的价格卖给了30个朋友。

这仅仅是开始,当泰勒同学 13岁时,习惯自学的他开始设计网站。然后在聊天室等地方推广,通过电话(当然是压低声音假装成熟)和经纪人谈价格。最初报价每建一个站200美元,后来发现竞争对手相同的服务报价几千块时,他也突破了这个价格。一般是经纪人拉活,完工后客户直接把支票寄给泰勒。“当我收到一张从卖维他命和营养品的网络商店寄来的3800美元支票时,我父母以为我肯定是在贩毒。”

16 岁时,泰勒拉了好友Michael Stahl入伙,他们建了个招聘网站,专门面向高中生和大学生。他们把当地的记者叫来开了个新闻发布会,说要开张新生意。报道一报,立刻为网站吸引来了3 万个访问者。他们的定价这次还是有点低,每个招聘信息收费38美元。不过很快他们发现必胜客、花旗集团这些大公司为了招募到年青人才愿意付比这贵100倍的价格。于是这俩家伙就租了办公室,雇了他们以前的历史老师。2001年该网站在互联网泡沫破灭中应声倒下,不过最辉煌的时候,网站估值达350万美元。

现在,26岁的泰勒经营当地一家控股公司,投资一些社区相关生意,比如克立夫兰和堪萨斯市的低成本住房等。此外,他还担任City Capital公司的CEO,抽投资旧城改造和油井等生意。另外,一年他还要做70多场演讲,每场8000美元。

Forbes: Video-game design; Web-site design; job-posting site for teens